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Information for Organisations

We offer a variety of workshops that can be tailored to the requirements and curriculum of each individual organisation and age group, focusing around a couple of key learning objectives. 


To request workshops we ask that an email is sent to with your preferences or our MEG schools co-ordinator at megschoolscoordinator@gmail.comPlease also note that we usually have in place a maximum group size of 30 pupils, and any groups larger than this should be organised well in advance.



As a student-led group, we are always learning how best to operate. We are therefore always open to advice and feedback after working with your organisation. 


Our Expectations:



1. Volunteers should not be left to lead a workshop alone with a class full of 



2.  Please inform workshop leaders of any children with disabilities and/or further educational needs so that we can facilitate them. 


3. Be patient with us! We are still learning how to teach and lead effectively. 


4. If you are in any doubt as to when your workshop is, please email the main MEG account


5. Class teachers can set an excellent example to the children and support us by joining in with our workshops, we love it when you get involved!


6. Most importantly, enjoy working with our volunteers and have fun! 

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University of York Music Education Group 


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